Tegaru Poets Directory


BeeLyn Naihiwet

BeeLyn Naihiwet is a Tigrayan-American poet and a mental health therapist, although she predominantly identifies as a selenophile. She is passionate about destigmatizing mental health issues, social justice, empowering women, and bearing witness to the beauty and brokenness of the human experience. Her poetry appears in Kweli Journal, The Halcyone, Mom Egg Review, and Ginosko Journal, among others. BeeLyn’s debut poetry collection, "Plenty.", was released in February 2021 from Finishing Line Press.

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Melliana Mulugeta

Melliana Mulugeta is a Tigrayan-American poet based in Virginia. She began writing more seriously at the age of 19 and self-published a short poetry collection at 20 years old, “The Drinking Well”. After reading Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe at 11 (and shedding a tear) she knew she wanted to be a poet. Melliana has written poems around the theme of loss, grief and most of all love.

In the future Melliana wants to continue to express difficult emotions through her writing in hopes of bringing comfort to those who don’t have the words themselves. She also has a desire to help heal Tigray through the arts, with the rest of the Tegaru art community.

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